Fee Structure

/Fee Structure
Fee Structure 2018-05-22T10:10:39+00:00

Accreditation Fee: One Time Accreditation fee of 5000 USD

Man Day Fee: No Man day fee is charged for the Office Audit which is included in the Accreditation Fee, however a Witness Audit Man day Fee of 600 USD per Standard will be charged.

Surveillance Fee: 800 USD per Year * ( For each standard a additional 400 USD will be charged)

Certificate Fees: A per certificate fee of USD 20 per Year is charged for all active clients per year.

Traveling , lodging and Boarding charges are as per actual and are Extra from the above charges. Normally we are able to send a Auditor from the same or neighboring country.

How Do You Pay?
We accept Payment Through PayPal or wire Transfer.